Friday, October 10, 2008

Domestic Goddess?

I love to hear when stay at home Moms give as a job description.......I am a "Domestic Goddess". Now if you are one of those Moms and I have just offended you please continue to read. Because I don't feel that anything that I am doing is in the least bit Goddess like. I have decided to label my job description as "Human Waste Management" For those of you who don't know I have recently taken in a 3 1/2 year old foster boy. And between Him and my Natalie, I don't do anything but wipe butts, wash sheets, rinse out poopy underwear, clean up accidents on the bathroom floor because they have waited too long and now can't hold it long enough to just pull down their pants or lift the toilet seat, clean carseats, which I have taken apart and washed 5 times in the last few weeks, (it only has a few more washes left until the cover completely falls apart), help with trips to the potty at home and everywhere we go, because they can't go for more than 30 minutes in between potty breaks. And if I'm lucky and at a store long enough we get to use the public bathroom several times before we leave. Peeing is contagious! I hold my breath and just hope that we won't have any accidents when we leave the house. And all of this from 2 little children that are supposedly potty trained.
Domestic Goddess HA!


Alison said...

Human Waste Management... perfect!!! I wish I could get Bradley interested in potty training... dang it! I'm sick of diapers. I've been in the diaper stage of parenting for far too long... let's move on!

Allison said...

I hear ya sista!!! I finally got Mac to poop in the potty...of course now he is this amazing painter! I hate my life! :)

Claire said...

Funny stuff, I actualy got Jax to pee in the potty today. I think it was a coincidence. I sat him on the pot and he peed. He didn't stop even when I had to point the thing down in the toilet so it would quit watering the floor.

Sylvia and Craig said...

Oh, yeah. Waste management is the perfect title. I feel like I am doing some serious overtime lately, too! The doc says -don't worry if they don't poop for a few days-WHAAT?! I'd have a party. How about not pooping for a few hours! Glad to hear your keeping busy and having all kinds of domestic bliss! Miss ya!

Becky McArthur said...

You're a hoot! Amen to everything you said. I'm really not looking forward to potty training the twins. It will be time before I know it! Poop everywhere!