Can you believe the size of this thing? I don't smash bugs or pick them up and Stoney was already at work. It appeared to be half dead anyways so just kept on eye on it most of the morning. Until I found it making its way across my porch, then I knew I had to do something. So I grabbed a mason jar and very quickly placed it on top of the scorpion and scooted it into the sun to bake for the rest of the day. It cooked it good and then I made Stoney lay it out so I could share it with you all.
We had the most amazing dust storm. We were on our way to Nicole's softball game, when a huge wall of dirt blew in from the south, you couldn't see more than 15 feet in front your face. While we are gone Stoney gets this call from our neighbor telling us our tree is now on our carport. It was sad, we have nurtured and pruned that stupid tree for 3 years and we were just starting to like it.

Then later that night I go to check the damage in the back yard expecting to find pool toys all over the back yard. Instead I find our pretty little oleander tree we just planted a few months ago just ripped to shreds.

I wanted to try to save our palo verde tree, but Stoney was much to eager to get rid of it. We tried to track down a chain saw to borrow. All we could find was a friend who had an electric saw. It was just one step up from a hand saw, but beggers can't be choosers and we were just grateful to have it. While Stoney is in the front yard hacking away at the tree, this guy drives past, throws his truck in reverse, jumps out and says "looks like you could use a little help" and he pulls his chain saw out from the back of his truck and in just a few minutes has our tree down. Funny! I think he was just driving around looking for a reason to use his chain saw. Boys and their toys!
That picture of the scorpion made my toes curl! I am sitting here so paranoid that something is going to crawl out from under the desk and bite me! :-) I am sorry about your trees!
It's feakin huge! Bum deal about the trees, at least it did not damage the house. later
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