Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nat Nat's Birthday!

Natalie was so excited for her Birthday and almost drove me crazy for a week. This is the first year she has really understood what having a birthday meant. If you asked her what she wanted for her birthday she just said "Toys, Lots of Toys! And a yellow cake!

She helped me frost the yellow cake. No she's not sick she got play make up from Grandma Carter, and she doesn't know the difference between lipstick and eyeshadow.

Her Barella!

Yellow cake!

While NOT so patiently waiting she informed us we needed to "Put the fire on it!".
Simple easy and too much fun!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween lasted over a week at our house. Starting with a costume party my friend Beckie throws every year. Dressing up puts us way out of our comfort zone, and we don't enjoy it. So after thinking about it for over 2 weeks the day of the party I was able to throw together costumes for us. Thanks to a quick trip to the thrift store and a $5 shirt at Walmart. I thought they turned out pretty ingenious and we didn't feel too ridiculous.

If you cant tell we are Clark Kent and Lois Lane, my costume is all about the props. I have a camera and notice my daily planet press pass.

I used to love Halloween and would spend hours making costumes, but the more kids I have the more tired I am. This year they were very kind to me and we recycled alot the things we already had.

Nicole was a dark fairy, (thanks Aunt Lisa and Aunt Sarah for the tu-tu!)

Haley was a ballerina, (old ballet costume of mine, nothing a few safety pins couldn't fix.)

Arthur was a mummy, (a sheet I ripped, tea died and glued to old clothes)

Chad was a skeleton, (the only costume I bought)
Natalie was a fairy / butterfly / ballerina / it changed by the minute, (thanks again Aunts Lisa and Sarah.)

Then we had our annual Trunk or Treat at the church. I was so excited that Halloween was on a Friday and was hoping that they would have the trunk of treat on Halloween night, then I would only have to dress my kids once. Trunk of Treat, then hit the neighborhoods. No such luck! Our activities committee went all out, we had about 10 room in the church decorated and filled with little carnival games, cake walks, face painting, and my friend Beckie even brought her animals.....goats, pigs, turtle, and snake for a little petting zoo. The kids brought home loads of candy. But on the upside I didn't have to buy trick or treat candy because we just recycled the trunk or treat candy.

For family night we carved pumpkins. The older kids carved and the babies colored theirs. Me and Stoney helped them trace and dig out but the kids did the rest themselves. They turned out pretty nice.

We served dinner in a pumpkin and decorated sugar cookies. And of course watched "Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." That is a favorite of Stoney's, he loves the holidays and keeps us all young.

Halloween night we hit the streets, well only two streets for the babies and then I took them home to hand out candy for the trick or treaters. And while the babies weren't looking I dumped out the majority of their candy bags in to the bowl, we recycled alot of candy. Nicole went with her friends and Stoney took Haley and Arthur and the neighbor boys through the rest of the neighborhood.